Anugoonj - ConnectUSS | Official Newsletter for USS


Aditi Johari

“We are told to remember the idea, not the man, because a man can fail. He can be caught. He can be killed and forgotten. But hundred years later an idea can still change the world.”
“We are told to remember the idea, not the man, because a man can fail. He can be caught. He can be killed and forgotten. But hundred years later an idea can still change the world.” We all must know these famous lines from the popular Hollywood movie, ‘V for Vendetta’ and many of us must also believe them and follow them too. An idea is a hypothesis , an inkling about a view point or a belief or a concept. It can be anything and about anything and everything. People come up with innovations to change a set pattern and to show that there is always an alternative to a given solution. ‘ It takes neither armies nor riches to change the world.’ A single small innovation is enough to alter the way people tend to look at world and its matters.

Educational institutions, mostly, are places where, students along with the teachers are encouraged to think differently and perform towards the transformation and empowerment of the society. Keeping this in mind our college, USICT, witnessed the amalgamation of new ideas and concepts in its 3-day technical fest, INFOXPRESSION 2015. The fest was organized from 13th of March to the 15th of March, 2015. Infox’15, as known, shortly, invited new ideas and inventions to give the world a small nudge which will set the gears of change in motion on a broad scale. Through this fest students of not only our college but from other premier institutions like NSIT, DTU and IITs with other affiliated colleges of I.P. University, too, were invited to showcase their technical expertise in different fields such as robotics, coding etc..

After the inauguration on the 13th, at 10 a.m. various events like Clash on LAN, TechQuiz were held for the students interested. Events based on reverse coding and DBMS were also organized, but the event Rubik’s Cube became one of the eye-catching candy for the students. Despite few organizational glitches on the first day, students on the second day participated with more enthusiasm and vigour, starting the day with a lecture from Dr. A.K. Garg on Innovation: A Way Forward for India. Dr. A.K.Garg works with the Indian Govt. as the head of the Patents & IPR Division and is one of the renowned scientists of India. He inspired students to take up science and technology and gave a chance to learn from his experience and knowledge. After the lecture a lot of technical and non –technical events were held for the students to have fun in. Circuitrix, Web-Bee, Clash on LAN, Robo Race, are some of them alongwith an event on technical debate for the students who are good at speaking and putting their views forward. The third day of the fest witnessed a lot more fun and activity with students excited about events like Java Jig, Linux Ninja, Know-it-all, which was a general quiz and the much awaited event of treasure hunting, Crusade. Non-technical event called Greenovation was also held which invited students to use their grey cells and come up with innovations which could improve the environmental conditions and work towards its betterment.

The 3-day technical fair ended with the ceremony where all the winning students in the different events were felicitated and rewarded for their technical talents and knowledge. Students of USICT were applauded for their hard work and commitment in making the fest a grand success.